Tuesday, June 5, 2012

DIY Dream Board

Summer is here! Besides awesome beach trips and spending more time with loved ones, the one thing I look forward to the most is DIY projects. Being a full-time college student means little to no free time, but now I have all the time in the world (well, not really but you get the point).

I found this awesome project by MadeByGirl and fell in love! I hope you'll enjoy making it as much as I did :)

Pin the things that inspire you, hang it (or just let it sit like I did) and let the dreaming begin!

Supplies: Frame, unframed corkboard, fabric, spray paint, glue, scissors and an iron

Step 1: Spray paint your frame.

Some of you might choose to keep your frame as is, and that's perfectly fine. I bought my frame at Michaels for about $35 and used Krylon's Webbing Spray in white. You can find this spray at Pearl for about $5.

Step 2: Iron the fabric.

Step 3: Cut the fabric accordingly. Make sure the fabric reaches at leas 1" past the edge of the corkboard. Run a semi-thick amount of glue along the edge of the corkboard and all over the interior.

Smooth out the fabric so you don't leave any lumps.

Step 4: Once the corkborad is dry and ready, simply pop it into the frame. 

The original instructions for this project were a little too complicated for me (amateur, I know), so my board isn't as fancy as the link I provided above because the back of my frame doesn't have a cover. Since the back isn't visible, because the board is placed against my wall, it doesn't really bother me :)

If you have any questions feel free to comment below!



  1. I was curious to see what this was :). Nice job and nice little short video.

  2. Jess, thank you so much! It means a lot :)
